Thanksgiving for Santa.

Peanut has been in an intense no-sharing mood for almost a year. So he’s intrigued lately with the concept of giving presents. You give someone stuff, but you’re not sharing. It’s not yours; it’s theirs. You don’t get it back. There is no control after the giving. But there is control in the choosing.

He likes this.

He’s picked out birthday presents for friends, telling me exactly what his friends get and what they don’t. He usually picks out something for himself, too, though he’s perfectly willing to have it put away until birthday, Hanukkah, Christmas, Nana’s birthday (which is a great holiday at our house–Nana’s birthday is a couple days before Christmas, after the all important Solstice. Nana’s birthday is a holiday nobody else gets (except, well, Nana). We love Nana’s birthday. We get presents for no other reason than because we’re lucky enough to have her in our family.)

So we’ve been talking about Santa in our house for two years, because I knew it would come up, and, like making spiders and owls and wolves friendly, and fairy tales completely non-scary, I wanted to manage how this once-benevolent and now out-of-control commercialist holiday is portrayed in our house. I want him to believe in magic and hope and love, but not in getting stuff because you’re good. So I researched Santa Claus and found that the original dude, on whom the St. Nick character is based, was intensely into charity. He gave to the needy. That, Spouse and I discussed, is something we can be down with.

We taught Peanut that Santa, when he was around, gave to people who need. Santa’s not around anymore, but remembering him makes people want to give. True. Not as true as I’d like it to be, but still. (And yes, I did just teach my kid that Santa’s dead. So? He’s a myth. He’s fun to talk about and believe, and being honest now makes it less upsetting to find out later that Santa’s a myth.)

So each year, as often as we can, we give to people who need. After we moved, a truck came to take all the gently used things that we don’t need anymore, but another family might. He was totally fine giving stuff to the truck, because we said it was like Santa’s truck. When we read books about Christmas and Santa has a bag of toys, we tell him that it’s like the fire station and the library having Toys for Tots barrels. Santa has a bag of toys because the family left them out for Santa to take to people who need. Santa’s not bringing to the people in the stories. He’s taking, so he can redistribute. (That’s called being nice, you pre-election hatemongers.)

So I asked Peanut what he wanted to do for Christmas to help like Santa. Last year he wanted to bring toys to the dogs and cats at the local shelter. He loved every minute of giving, in part because he got to choose which dog got which ball, and which cat got which feather. This year he wants to bring apricots to the Food Bank. Because he says they don’t need raisins, but “if they need apricots, I give them apricots.”

Then he said, and I won’t let him forget this ever, that maybe some people just need someone to cuddle them. Maybe, like the babies Grandma cuddles at the hospital, maybe some people just need friends. He would like to find them, he said, and listen to them and cuddle them and make them feel better.

So that’s what we’re doing for Thanksgiving. We’re going to try the local retirement community, and see how he reacts to cuddling seniors. He tends to be wary of older people, so that might not work. Then we’ll bring apricots to the Food Bank.

And we will head to the animal shelter again this year. At least once a month. Because those dang critters love them some attention. And though it’s hard for me not to bring them all home, it makes Peanut feel very important to cuddle small creatures who don’t have families yet. He needs to feel important. And lots and lots of people and pets this year need love. So Spouse and I are going to try to meet as many of those needs as we can, and teach Peanut in the process that the best thing you can do is give.

Santa didn’t come to our house last year, and won’t be coming to our house this year. We don’t need anything. But we’ll make sure that we help whomever we can.

So let us know if you need a cuddle. ‘Cuz we’re ready for ya.

10 thoughts on “Thanksgiving for Santa.

  1. What a great idea. Neither my husband nor I were ever visited by Santa (for various reasons) so I don’t really feel moved to do it with my kid either. I may have to steal this idea for when he’s older and not trying to collect rocks and pine cones…or for when he can actually talk. Whatevs.

  2. That’s so awesome! You’re doing a really great job. I read, in a fiction book of all places, about a family who buys a toy to give away on St Nick’s day, Dec. 6, and then bake cookies to celebrate giving. I’m planning on doing that. But I love how you got Peanut involved. That’s so cool.

  3. Pingback: US Election On Best Political Blogs » Blog Archive » Thanksgiving for Santa.

  4. Oh, wow. This is so amazing. (Honestly, I’m feeling a little shallow and capitalistic now. But definitely applauding you.) Your son is lucky to be learning such incredible lessons.

  5. Oh, goodness, I didn’t want to make anyone feel shallow, outside voice. I am just amazed by this kid, and when I wallow in the “what has my life become and where have I gone,” he is the only one to pull me out. Because my life has become hanging on for the ride with this wonderful little ball of fire and energy and love.

    And anyone at all is allowed to use this idea, bobeesah. That isn’t stealing. It’s parenting. I take an idea from every parent I see doing something that seems to work better than my slap-dash approach to “whatever gets us through the day.”

  6. “Whatever gets us through the day” is something I use a lot, especially when the sleep deprivation is especially heinous.

    And I love learning from parents around me. Makes it feel like more of a community of Moms instead of just me and the toddler against the world.

  7. Pingback: Well, it seemed like a good idea… « Naptime Writing

  8. Pingback: Making people into Santas | Naptime Writing

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